San Cristóbal de Las Casas, Chiapas a 20 de Noviembre del 2009 A los Medios de Comunicación En el marco del XI Congreso Nacional sobre VIH/SIDA y otras infecciones de transmisión sexual, las organizaciones de la sociedad civil convocamos al “Foro Comunitario Chiapas 2009, Hacia una Agenda Nacional de la Sociedad Civil, Compromiso para la Acción” a realizarse los días 26 al 27 del presente en la ciudad de Tuxtla Gutiérrez, Chis. Con este motivo invitamos a una conferencia de prensa donde informaremos a los medios de comunicación sobre las particularidades de estos eventos y lanzaremos una atenta invitación a la sociedad en su conjunto para que participe con nosotros con el compromiso y la sensibilidad que amerita el tema. La conferencia de prensa se llevará a cabo el lunes 23 de noviembre a las 10:00 hrs, en CIFAM A.C. ubicado en 6ta Poniente Norte #110, Dep. 3. Segundo Piso Tuxtla Gutiérrez, Chis. No dudando de su asistencia y agradeciendo de antemano la atención y difusión de esta invitación, les agradecemos y enviamos un cordial saludo. Atentamente. Camilo Morquecho Bonilla Comunicación del Comité Organizador. Col. La Hormiga. Calle 20 de Noviembre. #228
Reformas estructurales y lecciones desde el territorio zoque de Chiapas
Este texto habla sobre las discusiones públicas que se llevan a cabo en
algunas localidades rurales de Chiapas en un escenario de reformas
estructurales em...
Hace 6 años.
[b] A History of Mattresses and Mattress Furniture [/b]Modern mattress furniture came about after many years of hard work and man's need for comfort. What really is the focal point of mattress furniture? The answer lies in the question. The focal point of mattress furniture is of course, the mattress itself! Mattresses provide a soft surface for us to rest on and also provide a huge lot of comfort which man is constantly in search of.
Ancient Man's Contribution
What was the first piece of mattress furniture devised by man? Of course, the bed. The crude bed, with a mattress was invented in the Neolithic period, which was around the time between 8000- 6000 B.C. people decided that sleeping on the ground was way too uncomfortable and hence the bed was born and a crude mattress, fashioned from animal skin and leaves was used.
This concept was developed in Persia and later on, the Persians slept in beds, which had mattresses made of goatskins, filled with water to provide additional comfort. At about the same time, the ancient Egyptians started sleeping on palm boughs which they heaped in the corner areas of their houses.
A long time later, in about 200 B.C., aristocrats in ancient Rome started sleeping on mattresses which were made from bags of cloth and were stuffed with wool, reeds, hay etc. So finally, something resembling the mattress used in modern mattress furniture was born.
During the Renaissance age, mattresses were made from feathers and pea shucks and were covered with rich fabric like brocade, velvet or even silk. Modern beds were born later, with mattresses being piled onto a bed skeleton made from timber, with additional support from latticework made of ropes or even leather. In the 18th century, the wealthy had a variety of mattress furniture - couches, divans, beds, little pedestals.
Recent Developments
The large mattresses which were made for the bed were then made into a variety of different sizes and shapes for different kinds of furniture. In the late 19th century, in order to make mattresses less lumpy, the box spring was invented. This provided additional comfort and support to people. In the 20th century, the mattress and corresponding mattress furniture went from strength to strength.
Inner spring mattresses and upholstered furniture were all the rage in the early 1930s. Encased coil spring mattresses were also used. Then came the foam rubber mattresses, which were widely purchased to make pillows and other mattress furniture. Thereafter came our version of the Persian beds - the waterbed. It started being used widely and was developed so that the bed was adjustable.
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Just wanted to say hello someplace. Found [url=]you guys through google[/url]. Hope to contribute more soon!